Colour Analysis
Discover a wonderful range of colours that make you look and feel fabulous
Would you like to?
Know which colours suit you best
Make clothes shopping quicker and easier
Save money by making better choices
Have a wardrobe that works better for you
Make more outfits with fewer clothes
Look your best every day with minimal effort
Look and feel more confident
Receive more compliments
What is a Colour Analysis?
During your Colour Analysis session I’ll compare colours of different qualities under your face to reveal which palette of colours really suit you and harmonise with your natural skin tone.
You’ll be amazed how some shades make you shine while others leave you looking dull and drained.
The Kettlewell Colours system I use is highly accurate and embraces both Seasonal and Tonal Colour Analysis principles. The drapes are made from Kettlewell Colours fabric which matches clothing from their fabulous range.
Once your palette is discovered we compare shades of each colour to establish your best neutrals, "Wow" colours and Tonal Direction.
Before seeing all your Wow colours together, you can try some makeup colours, including lipstick samples to take home.
Following the session you'll receive a link to your very own Colour 'Look Book' with tips on what to do next, your Wow colour photo and a 'Virtual Swatch' of your best colours with links to shop items in these shades on the Kettlewell colours website.
The session includes a Kettlewell Colour Swatch Book in your palette.